9 Things Narcissists Despise

9 Things Narcissists Despise

We’re all more than capable of having our pet peeves. We’re all more than capable of having things that we don’t like. With a narcissistic individual, due to their sense of entitlement, their lack of empathy, their envious nature, and their arrogance, they often dislike very similar things.

The Following Are 9 Things Narcissists Despise:

#1: Being proved wrong.

Now, it’s not particularly nice to be proved wrong, especially when you had such a strong belief that you were in the right. However, most genuine people can usually sort of suck it up and deal with the fact that they were in the wrong in some way. With a narcissistic individual, due to their arrogance and grandiosity, even when they are proved wrong, they were still right. They will go all out to make it out that you’re in the wrong in some way, that you’re turning against them, that you’ve gone against them, that you’re trying to hurt them, that you’re trying to get to them—anything and everything except admit fault. To the point where they can even gaslight you and just turn around and say, “Well, I already knew that. It was you. It was you that thought the other thing,” and you’re then in loggerheads with them, trying to explain, “It wasn’t me,” and then you feel like you’re being the narcissistic one. When you’re NDS, they have a way of gaslighting your reality so that you’re the one that ends up confused.

Recommended Book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself- By Shahida Arabi.

#2: Criticism.

Now, criticism isn’t pleasant, and when you’ve been around a narcissistic individual, you will know that they will put you down at any given opportunity. However, there is such a thing as constructive feedback. When you’ve been around a narcissist and someone tries to give you constructive feedback, you might very well take it the wrong way. However, you often internalize it; with a narcissist, they externalize it. It’s everyone else with the issue, and it’s absolutely nothing to do with them.

So, you even try to give them some form of constructive feedback that you think will benefit them or help them in some way, such as if they’re shouting something from the rooftop and they’re in the wrong about the information that they’re providing. You say, “Hang on a minute, slow down, because it’s not that; it’s this,” and you don’t want them to embarrass themselves. They just carry on regardless. They believe you’re criticizing their authority, their sense of superiority. They don’t see that they’re in the wrong; their arrogance will not allow it. They believe that they are special.

Only when they later realize that they were in the wrong and just humiliated themselves will they turn around to you and say, “Why didn’t you tell me?” They’re going to twist it so that it was still your fault. If you try to say, “I did try to tell you,” they’ll respond, “Well, not well enough, did you? Obviously, because I still carried on. You should have told me.” They still get offended even when you try to help them out, and they realize you were trying to help them out, you will still be in the wrong.

#3: They don’t like people having a different opinion from their own.

They believe that everyone’s opinion should just align with theirs. They don’t like people saying no to them. Narcissistic individuals have that sense of entitlement; therefore, you should just readily agree to do as they say. If you don’t, they’re going to guilt trip you. They’re going to say, “After all I’ve done for you,” to make you feel obligated. They’re going to go all out to keep going at you, to wear you down, to exhaust you until you change your mind and serve them.

#4: Being ignored.

We all know that being around a narcissistic individual is not pleasant, being ignored. With a narcissist, they will do the things that they don’t like to you because they know they don’t like them. They’ll ignore you with their double standards to punish you. They ignore you, yet as soon as you no longer buy into their games, as soon as you become indifferent towards them, they suddenly get offended. “Oh, don’t you care about me? You’re never there for me. You’re selfish. You’re awkward.” They guilt trip you onto their side, and this is simply because they require that excessive attention from those around them.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

#5: They don’t like the truth.

The truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth. They just want to be told whatever aligns with their reality, the version that they’re selling to the world. They spent hours on this grandiose self-serving illusion of who they are, and they don’t like it when people don’t go along with them.

#6: They don’t like being exposed.

They go to great lengths to hide their flaws, their insecurities. Any kind of fear of exposure threatens their ego, and it can be met with hostility and manipulation. We can all have done things that we don’t particularly want other people to know. A narcissist will go all out to try and humiliate you, and we all know that’s not pleasant; that’s why they do it. They will go all out to avoid exposure by scapegoating you, by passing the blame on to you.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

#7: They do not like being challenged or contradicted.

They believe that they’re always in the right, and if you’re challenging them, they see you as the enemy and will go all out to punish you. Narcissistic individuals hate losing control. They have a deep-rooted need for that power, that sense of authority. They believe that they are superior, and any threat to that loss of control threatens their ego, which is why they will play many manipulative games such as gaslighting, triangulation, blame shifting, and those silent treatments in order to regain control of the situation. They will go all out to ruin your reputation in order to protect their own.

#8: They hate being outshined.

They seek to be the center of attention. They seek to know everything and be the life and soul of the party. They feel threatened by anyone who could potentially overshadow them, which is why they usually go all out to sabotage those with any kind of potential—from actual sabotage to sleep deprivation and making people late, to the more covert sabotage where they just have those continuous subtle digs, telling somebody that they’re not good enough, that they’re not capable, that they’ll not make it. “Who do you think you are?” To plant those seeds of worthlessness within your mind, just to plant that self-doubt within your mind. They’re looking to keep you down so that they can feel better about who they are as a person.

Read More: 7 Things Narcissists Weaponise Against You.

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